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By establishing a healthy foundation of holistic health and well balanced lifestyle choices, women can gain the time and capacity to pursue their dreams. This empowers women to connect with their hearts, embrace their truth and authenticity, and create a reality that truly aligns with their soul's mission.

Over the past 20 years, my journey has been both a professional and personal one, filled with deep learning and study about our human existence. This journey has been about connecting with my true and authentic self through education and self-exploration, continually discovering and embracing the beauty of life.

Years ago, there was a moment when I felt an unsettling knowing and a profound little whisper that said, 'There has to be more to life than this.' I had reached a point in my life where I felt constantly unhealthy, exhausted from all my own expectations, always tired and could never seem to keep up with my life; wishing for holidays to come, so I could just get away from it all. It was during this time, when I never truly nurtured myself, that I heard that little whisper and from that moment I became determined to transform my reality.

My own experiences have ignited a heartfelt commitment to elevate and prioritize women’s health by leading change with authenticity and truth. I understand the intricate challenges of motherhood, maintaining a career, being part of a family, navigating the pain of divorce, and striving for self-improvement. My mission is to be the best mother I can be, to create a life of fulfilment for my daughter, and to make her proud by leaving a legacy that positively impacts her and the women and girls around her.

Hi, I’m Tracey Lee.

We can all check off certain goals but ultimately what everyone wants is to feel fulfilled, loved, happy and achieve optimal health that works realistically for them. The best way we can do this is to start breaking cycles and patterns and explore the obstacles that are holding us back.

As a Molecular Biologist (BSc), a Qualified Health & Nutrition Coach, a Best-Selling International Author, an International Speaker, and the Host of The Mind Body Studio Podcast, I draw upon my rich experience to inspire and guide others. I am also the Founder of the Divine Feminine Sisterhood, a community dedicated to connecting women to each other and their higher selves.

I am a mother, a lover of the ocean and the moon, and a spiritual being devoted to serving others. At the core of it all, my passion lies in exploring the human condition. I believe we are exquisitely complex beings — beyond the physical, we are our mental and emotional selves, intertwined with our ego and personality, and energetically connected to each other and the greater cosmos.

Specialising in women’s health and empowerment, I teach people about their bodies and honour each individual's uniqueness, recognizing that no two people are the same.

When someone steps into my space, I see them in their entirety, without limitations or labels. Every interaction considers their complex selves, to offer the best support and guidance, facilitating profound self-discovery, meaningful changes to well-being, and preventative measures against long-term illness and disease.

Through online courses, one-on-one sessions, workshops, retreats, podcast discussions, books, publications, birth chart readings, and more, I serve a diverse array of needs.

No matter your situation, my purpose is to serve. If I cannot assist directly, I will help you find the support you need. At the heart of my work is a dedication to help you discover and embrace your true and authentic self, and in doing so, reach your fullest potential.

If you need more resources, you can tune into my weekly Podcast episodes on The Mind Body Studio or download one of my Books via Amazon.

Further publications for women are coming in 2025.

Connect with Tracey


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Listen to one of the many podcasts available on health, nutrition, relationship, sexology, women’s empowerment and so much more.

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